
Transformers Prime: TTTB2

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RogueWriter3201's avatar

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Transformers Prime: The Ties that Bind -Part Two

  Arcee awoke slowly, her internal diagnostics and optical sensors indicating that she was, first and foremost, recovering from her injuries and that, secondly, she was currently located in Ratchet's medical station within the Autobot HQ. Fully self aware, the spark in her chest nearly flared as Arcee recalled how she had ended up in recovery and, more importantly, why she had been so willing to engage in a fight she had been almost unable to win.
  "Jack…" she said suddenly, sitting up far more quickly then her damaged internal hardware felt was preferable. Almost immediately her gaze fell upon a human figure slumped on a makeshift chair adjacent to her recovery bed, a tattered army blanket draped about him. Jack Darby was fast asleep, his face still dusty and smudged from his run through the desert several hours before.
  For a moment, Arcee simply watched him, both touched by his presence beside her and fascinated as she always was by his appearance as he slept. She had studied him often during the times he had succumbed to sleep, either while sharing a watch shift in the base or at his workbench in the garage of his suburban home where the Autobot protected both him and his mother.
  When awake, Jack's face was always a mix of emotions, one moment stern and brooding, the next bemused or overly sarcastic. Altogether it was a stark contrast to the almost peaceful profile he assumed when asleep. He was never one to easily show the kind of open enthusiasm of either of his fellow human teens, the girl Miko or the young boy Raphael, the technologically gifted of the trio. Instead, he often seemed contemplative, his mind elsewhere. Arcee had asked him, now and again, what he thought about so much. His answer and been ambiguous at best.
  "Everything…"  he had said absently.
  Though she had only known the human male a short time, a scant few months, she had learned quickly that he sought to carry much upon his shoulders. He dreamed of a life far from the one he had possessed before encountering Arcee outside the K.O. Drive-In, the fast food establishment where he held a less then fore filling job. Though much had changed since that time, for both of them, Arcee knew Jack still entertained the desire to 'get away.' However, a larger part of him regretted those thoughts, for the fact that it would leave his mother alone.
  Arcee had never asked a great many questions about Jack's father, but what little he had been willing to tell had left her with the strong impression that it was not a subject broached lightly. Jack's mother, June, worked hard to support them both, and Arcee understood Jack's desire to always be there to support his mother in turn. It was one of the many strange, yet charming, contradictions about the young human; his desire for fame and fortune, accompanied by a selflessness and bravery which had only grown in the time they had spent in one another's company.
  Arcee liked to think that she had somehow instilled these better virtues in Jack; however, having seen him rise above and beyond what she had come to expect from most members of his species, she had concluded that such traits had been there all along, simply buried. If she had helped to uncover them, that was enough.
  Perhaps somehow aware that he was currently under Arcee's gentle scrutiny, Jack stirred slightly though he remained unawake. His small shift in position had disturbed the blanket draped about him, causing a portion of it to fall away.
  Though the chill of the old missile silo did not effect the Autobots, Arcee was aware that the humans often found it uncomfortable, especially now that the season had passed into it's winter cycle. Despite her larger size, Arcee used the tips of her sharp, elongated fingers to raise the fallen corner of the blanket, setting it back in place. For a moment she hesitated, as the metallic surface of her finger only just brushed against the human's cheek.
  "Arcee…" Jack murmured under his breath, though a quick scan showed he remained asleep.
  Despite herself, Arcee smiled. Since Cliffjumper's death at the hands of the Decepticons, she knew her demeanor, having always been somewhat hard around the edges, had grown only worse, her personality often seen as off putting by those she considered her family.
  Prime had shown his concern for her well being, knowing to some extent about the bond she had shared with her fallen comrade. However, he had made it clear that as his second in command he needed to be sure that, should the worse come to pass, she could lead her team in his place and that they, in turn, could depend on her to keep her desire for retribution in check. In the beginning she had been unsure, her resolve dark and unforgiving.
  Then she had met the teenager Jack Darby, with his frustrating verbal sparring yet also his amusing bravado, and somehow the wall of ice which had formed around the spark in her chest had slowly begun to melt away.
  Though she had come to look favorably upon all the humans in their charge, it was Jack who continued to make her feel…well, she was unsure. Respect? Yes, of that she was certain. But, was there something else? Something she hadn't believed she could ever feel again after Cliff, let alone for a small, fragile, member of an overly self destructive race. Yet, it was there…
  "Scrap." Arcee said quietly.
  "Ah. Good. My readings were correct. You're awake." Appearing seemingly from nowhere, the red and white hued Autobot medic Ratchet moved to more closely inspect his patient. If the medical officer had noticed any of Arcee's emotional musings he chose not to show it. "How are your systems? Anything feel out of place?"
  For good measure, Arcee ran another self diagnostic. Had anything been amiss, Ratchet would have likely been able to detect it; still, with the limited repair technology at his disposal, it never hurt to be sure.
  "Yeah. Everything seems fine." Moving slightly, Arcee could feel several internal omni-components groan in protest. Catching her reaction Ratchet sighed audibly, a bizarrely human response he had picked up in the time the Autobots had been on Earth. Despite his supposed dislike of the human race as a whole, the old Medic had taken to mimicking them when it proved useful.
  "Fine is not the description I would have used." Optics focused intently on the readings scrolling across his instruments, Ratchet made several notations quietly as Arcee attempted to hide her frustration. Were her injuries not immediately manageable, it would mean being taken out of field rotation save for a worse case scenario. Optimus Prime was not one to endanger his people needlessly.
  Regardless, Arcee had seen first hand how devastatingly effective the Decepticon's new jamming tech could be. Between the humans under their care and the need to prevent Starscream and his ilk from unearthing more energon deposits, the Autobot's effectiveness was already stretched thin. Prime was already picking up more then his faire share of the slack and Arcee had no desire to add to that burden by being taken off any assignment.
  "Doc, listen, it's just some dents. I can handle it…" Before Arcee could continue further, Ratchet's armored hand rose to still her protests.
  "Question. In the short time since Bumblebee brought you in to my repair-bay, was I replaced as this team's Chief Medical Officer?"
  "No…" Arcee responded, only in part, before the other Autobot continued.
  "I see. And have you undergone training that surpasses my own?"
  Arcee, barely restraining her ire; simply shook her head.
  "So, taking these factors into account, one would have to come to the logical conclusion that should I deem any member of this team unfit for field operations, if only for safety's sake, then my prognosis should be accepted with little to no argument. Does any of that seem incorrect to you?"
  "Maybe I should remind you that I'm this team's second in command." Arcee responded heatedly, attempting to keep her tone low so as not to disturb Jack who remained oblivious to the current debate.
  "Really? Well, if we are going to argue regulations then perhaps I should remind you, Commander, that as the ranking medical officer I have final say on whether or not anyone on this team is fit for duty. Taking that into account, whom to you believe Prime will side with?"
  The only response Arcee could manage was something along the lines of a metallic growl and several colorful terms she had learned during her time on Earth.
  "Well," Ratchet said with his usual air of self satisfaction. "I'm glad we were able to clear that up."
  Feeling more then dejected, Arcee leaned back against the padded surface of the massive repair bed. Seeking something to ease her temper, her gaze fell once again upon Jacks unconscious form. The young human had begun to snore softly, something he claimed he did not do. Even with her anger milling about the back of her mind, Arcee felt her malcontent diminish slightly.
  Despite his continued notations in his medical logs, Ratchet spoke over his shoulder. "He was in rough shape when he returned with that irritating little female with the head protrusions. Optimus tried to convince him that you would be fine and that he could return tomorrow once he had gotten some rest. He would not go. I have to give the stubborn human credit. It takes quite a bit of gumption to tell Prime, 'Not a chance'."
  This brought a warming sensation to Arcee despite her sour mood. "Well, as long as he called his mother. She worries."
  "Yes, I have had the good fortune to pose as one of his teachers over their primitive communication devices. That human female could task even my audio receptors with her questions." The medic said with a less then subtle twinge of annoyance. "Makes one glad our kind do not have overly talkative progenitors."
  His report completed, Ratchet turned his attention fully back to his patient. "I need to inform Optimus about your status. He should be back from his patrol with Bulkhead shortly.  In the meantime I would suggest that you follow suit with your partner and enter a rest cycle. It would do your damaged systems some good."  With that, the medic was gone, leaving Arcee alone to sulk with as much dignity as she could muster.
  Settling into the padded surface of the bed, Arcee understood that remaining completely powered up would only slow her recovery, just as she understood that the longer she remained out of the thick of the fight, the more irate and restless she was likely to become.
  Relenting to the doctor's orders, the Autobot engaged her sleep cycle protocols, making a mental note to playback Jack's snores the next time they spoke. She could already hear the human's protests. "That's so fake. You made that!" At the thought, Arcee smiled.

  "Welcome to the K.O. Diner, where every meal is a knock out. May I take your order?"
  From her vantage point near the drive through, Arcee listened with sympathy to the less then enthusiastic monotones of Jack's voice over the building's exterior intercom. Though she had spent what seemed like several hundred hours watching over Jack at his workplace, Arcee was still unable to understand how any human with as much talent, intelligence, and bravery as Jack could stand to undergo a task as monotonous, repetitive, and unfulfilling as laboring in a fast-food restaurant.
  From what she had been able to observe in her time around Jack, the occupation served little purpose other then providing meat by-products that, from what her chemical scans indicated, was of a less then healthy quality to the masses who passed through, while at the same time leaving those humans like Jack who worked within exposed to open hostility over things like, "Missing fries," as well as belittling comments.  
  The latter scenario was, in point of fact, currently playing out as an expensive looking Jeep full of teens from the local High School pulled up to the window which permitted Jack to hand over whatever horrible thing had been ordered for consumption.
  In the driver's seat was a tall, fair haired older teen who, if Arcee's memory files were correct, went by the name Brent. At present, the aforementioned Brent was eliciting overly boisterous laughs from others in the Jeep as he said something to Jack who, for the sake of his part time job, remained silent, attempting a measure of self control that would have taxed even Optimus Prime. Knowing full well that whatever was being said would set her circuits burning, Arcee increased her audio reception range to better hear the conversation over the sounds of passing cars and on the street voices.  
  "…and a side order of right hook curly fries. Large. Make sure everything's in there, okay? I don't want to have to talk to your manager if something's missing."
  Fuming, Arcee recalled that those who utilized the drive through were required to order from the intercom set beside the illuminated menu sign shaped like a boxing glove. The fact that the elder teen pulled up to the window to order was obviously some attempt to assert a sense of superiority over Jack by actually watching him take said order. The act was, in and of itself, childish, and likely had more to do with the occupant in the Jeep's passenger seat then anything else.
  Trying to look as oblivious of what was happening as possible was the teenage girl Arcee had witnessed Jack attempting to speak to on numerous occasions. Red haired and deemed excessively attractive by human standards, Sierra appeared to be looking at everything except the young man her companion was ridiculing.
  "Yeah…that's real classy," Arcee said softly. For his part, Brent seemed more then happy to continue things along, whether or not the girl was paying any attention.
  "So, Darby, didn't see you at the desert rave last week. What happened? Past your bed time?" From the backseat, two other teens laughed and exchanged fist collisions, apparently finding Brent's comment worthy of testosterone fueled male praise.
  Having remained silent for long enough, Jack raised himself up as much as the small window space permitted, saying with satisfaction as he dropped cheeseburgers into several paper bags, "No. Friend of mine got hurt, and I wanted to be close by in case she needed me." There was so much sincerity in Jack's tone that had Arcee been human, she knew her breath might have caught in her throat.
  When Jack had finally awoken in time to be returned home before the evening drifted into early mourning, his first words had been an apology to her for falling asleep, followed immediately by queries into her condition. Though he had shown such concern for her often, it had none the less left her deeply moved and she had taken great pleasure in assuring him that she would be fine, thanks in no small part to the great risk he had taken to lure away two of her opponents.
  "It was very brave of you, Jack." She had said, watching the human go slowly red at the cheeks. Of course, she had not intended to let him off so easily. "It was also stupid and reckless! What would have happened if they had caught you? What good would I have been to you with a shattered leg servo?  I told you to hide for a reason. You…and the others, are too important to endanger. You can't ever put your life at risk for me. Do you understand?" Jack had been quiet, the flush in his cheeks replaced by silent consternation. "Jack? Do you?"
  When he finally spoke, his words had almost instantly taken her aback. "Did it ever occur to you that someone might think you were worth risking their life for?!"
  Even with the noises from Ratchet's repair equipment, the room had grown so quiet it might have been possible to hear the wind sweeping around the silo despite the several thousand metric tons of rock between them and the outside.
  "Jack…I…" Thankfully, before she could have said anything to make the moment all the more awkward, Optimus Prime and Bulkhead returned through the Land-Bridge and had moved instantly to check on her. In the ensuing conversation, Optimus, feeling confident that Jack's concern had been put to rest, proceeded to return the teen to his home personally. Perhaps flustered from what he had spoken aloud, Jack did not protest, leaving Arcee still somewhat stunned.
  In the intervening days Jack had not appeared at the HQ, indicating that he been tasked to work overtime at the K.O. Diner due to the Holiday season. Still, Miko had been asked to inquire on Jack's behalf as to Arcee's well being, a request she had taken to with little joy. "Someone needs to tell Jack I'm not some messenger bird. Jeez!"
  Thankfully, and she was sure much to Miko's relief, Ratchet had cleared Arcee for duty less then a week after the ambush. Elated, Arcee had left from the Autobot base in a blur, savoring the loss of restriction and the freedom of the open road once more. Stretching her legs, so to speak, Arcee had wasted no time in seeking out her wayward partner at his work where Bulkhead was currently filling in for her absence. That had been an hour before, which had in turn led to present circumstances.  
  Still seemingly intent on finding some strange entertainment in his endeavor to embarrass Jack, the elder teen laughed, making quite the show of rolling his eyes.  "Right. By friend, you mean your mom, right?" Once more, this elicited chortles from the Jeep's back seat. Sierra, for her part, seemed to at last become bored with the entire debacle.
  "Brent, can we just get the food and, like, go? Dillon and everybody is waiting for us."
  "Sure. Just let Jackie here get the rest of my order."
  Wanting the entire exchange to be over with as much as Sierra apparently did, Jack managed the best smile possible, and moved to retrieve the final order of fries. From her position, Arcee could overhear Brent's derisive comments tossed causally at Jack's retreating back.
  "Right. Friend. My ass."
  Fuming, Arcee could barely restrain her desire to use her canon on the smug little human. "If only you could see me, you little punk, that would put you in your…" The idea which suddenly filled Arcee's head almost set her tires spinning.
  Despite being in vehicle form, Arcee's list of accessible camouflage functions where varied and useful, especially a piece of programming she had not had the need to use often since Jack had become a regular occupant of her rider's seat. Some small adjustments would need to be made, but it would be a simple enough task.
  Starting her engine as quietly as possible, Arcee slipped from her spot and worked her way back around the K.O. Diner.
  "Okay," Jack said, handing over the final bag of fried food to Brent and his posse. "Will that be all?"
  "Yeah. This 'friend' of yours? Why don't you bring them by Dillon Ford's place? There's going to be a party there before everyone splits for Christmas. I know we'd love to meet her. Right guys?" This was followed by mocking calls of agreement from the backseat and further silence from the direction of Sierra.
  Jack, at last taking umbrage at the idea that he had used Arcee's injuries as a lie, leaned out of the window, a verbal barrage that would likely cost him his job forming on his lips. "Look man, you…"
  Before he could finish, the sound of a motorcycle engine, loud and teeth rattling, filled the space around the drive through. From the Jeep's passenger side a black, sleek two wheeler rolled to a stop, almost instantly turning the heads of every male in Brent's Jeep. Though, in truth, it wasn't the motorcycle turning heads and leaving Sierra's mouth slightly agape.
  Seated atop the ride was a woman who seemed to have jumped right off the cover of Vogue magazine, if Vogue had an edition for bikers and leather. Her face only concealed by a pair of darkly tinted shades and framed by raven colored hair that fell slightly past her shoulders, the vision of bad girl beauty looked past the teens in the car with an almost dismissive air as she stretched in the rider's seat, the leather jacket wrapped about her barely concealing what was a slim, well toned shape.
  "Hi Jack." The woman said, her voice all sultry smoke. "Wanted to see what time you got off. Owe you for keeping me company last week." From their seats, four heads turned to the woman, then to the teen in the drive through window, and back again, eyes wide.
  "Uh, hey…Sadie. Um…Yeah, I should be free tonight. Maybe we can catch that eight o'clock showing?" Jack's tone belied the feelings of being torn between laughing, or crying out in shock.  
  "Sounds like fun. Maybe we can go for a long ride afterward?" Suddenly seeming to notice the Jeep and it's occupants for the first time, the woman called Sadie eyed them with something akin to disinterest. "Excuse me…boys. See you tonight, Jack." Blowing a kiss to the teen in the window, Sadie peeled out of the drive through, leaving the Jeep in her dust trail.
  Minutes seemed to pass before Brent finally managed a staggering, "Dude…" to Jack before the later glanced quickly at his watch.
  "Oh. Shoot, look at that. Lunch break. Thanks for stopping at K.O. Diner. Come again." Turning his back to four stunned faces, Jack punched out for his break, feeling as though he was, at least for a moment, King of the world.
Part Two of a Four Part Story...
© 2011 - 2024 RogueWriter3201
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zoommerfish's avatar
"a mental note to playback Jack's snores the next time they spoke."

I guess the writers of zootopis took a cue from this fanfic, LOL. Good story.